It’s all well and good to have a secure and confident dance hold, but Guys, you’ve got to let your girl breathe! If you’re known for your vice-like grip on the gals, better check out Maria Hansen’s quick tip on where your arms should be to create a stable hold that won’t leave your partner breathless.
Quick Tip Tuesday
Every Tuesday we answer your burning dance questions about dancesport, competition, training, grooming, judging, technique–everything dancers want to know! Have a question for our coaching team? Shoot us a message or inbox us on Facebook and your question might be answered on the next Quick Tip Tuesday video.
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- Write your Dance: Improve your dancing through journaling - November 12, 2019
- The Difference Between Oversway and Throwaway: Ballroom Video Preview - June 8, 2018
- Principles of Movement: Ballroom Basics Video - September 21, 2016

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