Making the investment in private ballroom lessons is the fastest way to move your dancing forward.

Private one-on-one instruction is custom tailored to your abilities, learning style and focused on achieving the RESULTS you specifically want.

So, naturally when looking for an instructor, it is prudent to choose someone who can fit the bill.

Points to consider:


Private lessons are costly and the range of prices is quite variable.

Some teachers charge more because they have impressive credentials behind them, such as championship titles, or maybe they have a wealth of experience as instructors.

At a “closed” or franchised studio, very often private ballroom lessons are more expensive due to the fact that group classes and parties are rolled into the price, but does not necessarily mean that the instructor is experienced.

With an independent instructor you can generally expect (but not always!) that a more costly teacher is more experienced as either a dancer or teacher.

Experience is a huge and valuable factor to consider, but read on to see other indicators of who will be your best match for private instruction.


Although this is not a major factor, it is more comfortable to dance with a teacher well suited for your height. When you are social dancing, you’ll be dancing with partners of all sizes, but for the optimum learning conditions, it is preferable to work with someone suited to your height.

This is especially important if you are focused on the standard or smooth dances, and even more so if you are intending to compete.

Please note that every professional is trained to be a competent partner to either a taller or shorter partner, so if you find an instructor that is not a perfect height match but meets all your other requirements, he or she should not be discounted.


Any teacher choice should be registered with the NDCA, or your country’s governing body for ballroom dance. This ensures that your teacher is familiar with the industry code of conduct and is probably also certified in one of the member organization’s syllabi.

Additional qualifications can be the instructor’s competition experience, resume as a studio staff member, or years teaching dance.

Keep in mind that sometimes a world class dancer is not a good teacher and vice versa: you might find an excellent teacher who has achieved less competitively, but can communicate well and get the results from their students. Figure in all the factors before making a decision.


A teacher who is not a full time professional may not have as much flexibility to fit appointments in as a full time professional.

On the other hand, an active competitive dancer may be traveling often for shows and competitions and also be difficult to schedule with regularly.

Check in advance to see where and when your teacher will be able to make time for you.

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Any dance teacher of a professional caliber should be ethical and honest.

Do NOT trust instructors who start asking for monies in addition to the regular fee for private lessons, unless it is for another service, such as competition or performance.

It is customary to purchase lessons in a package (usually 10 or more) and both you and the instructor should keep a running tally as the lessons are used.

Teachers should also be considerate of keeping their appointments and being prompt. Although partner dancing naturally involves being close physically, a professional instructor should not make you feel uncomfortable by their words or touch.


You’ll be moving closely with your dance instructor and spending time together frequently, so it goes without saying that you have to enjoy the company of your teacher!

Look for someone who is positive (but not patronizing) and happy. After all, you’re there to enjoy yourself!

Private ballroom lessons will do a world of good for improving your dancing. Consider all the factors and weigh out the most important ones for your particular needs. You’re sure to find a great match as your instructor.


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