Wondering what is going on in the mind of a judge? Well, we thought you might, so we asked one! Check out our interview with the lovely adjudicator, Maria Hansen.
In this video interview, she gives you the low-down on exactly what she’s looking for on the floor, from both pros and amateurs. Grab a pen and paper, dancers, and TAKE NOTE!
Interview: Maria Hansen – 13 min.
DanceSport Place Exclusive!
Topic: Judging, Competition Preparation, Partnering
What are those judges thinking?!
Have you asked yourself this question before? We’ve got some ANSWERS for you. Watch our interview with 7x U.S. Ballroom Finalist and World Representative, Maria Hansen, on what she looks for in the judging process.
Ms. Hansen also shares her view on the current developments in both the Ballroom and American Smooth divisions.
In this interview Ms. Hansen briefly discusses her work with the C.H.E.K. Institute, specializing in Postural Correction and Movement. For more information on this subject, please visit her Facebook Page.
Video Breakdown:
• impressions when from walking on the floor (1:20)
• the importance of basics (2:11)
• what is a CHEK practitioner (2:50)
• how to behave between dances (4:11)
• how to distinguish yourself from the pack (5:35)
• how pro-am competitors can impress the judges (7:39)
• open bronze do’s & dont’s (8:18)
• current innovations in the ballroom category (9:13)
• recent innovations in the smooth category (11:18)
• judging like and dislikes (12:23)
The more you enjoy yourself, the more I enjoy watching you. – Maria Hansen
A huge thank you to Ms. Hansen for this valuable interview!
- Write your Dance: Improve your dancing through journaling - November 12, 2019
- The Difference Between Oversway and Throwaway: Ballroom Video Preview - June 8, 2018
- Principles of Movement: Ballroom Basics Video - September 21, 2016

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