How much could you learn in 15 minutes? You might be surprised. I started experimenting with the power of 15 minutes recently.

In 15 minutes, I can get in 3 rounds of HIIT exercise. Or take a bike ride around the neighborhood with my kids. Or wash the dishes and start a load of laundry. (Although I’d rather spend my 15 minutes doing something else 🙂


You can get a lot done in 15 minutes.


the 15 minute lesson


The 15 Minute Lesson


You know what one of the biggest complaints teachers hear from their students is:

I wish I could take more lessons.

A normal private lesson is 45 minutes.

So, if you could add just three 15 minute lessons a week to your schedule, you’ve just gained another lesson.


Here are 4 ways to become a better ballroom dancer in just 15 minutes:



1. Watch your favorite couple(s) on YouTube |2-15 min.


  The greatest education in the world is watching the masters work. –Michael Jackson

If you want to be good, you have to observe what is good.  As you become a more sophisticated “watcher”, you will able to assess your own skills better.  You’ll also be able to choose a path for your own personal style.  By watching couples you like, not only will you be inspired, you’ll also become more educated about what kind of dancer you want to be.




Choose a few performance videos of your favorite couples.  As you watch them, think about what it is you specifically like about them.

Is it their technique?  If so, which part?

Maybe the way the man chooses to shape a certain figure. Or maybe it’s the lady’s snappy foot work on the New Yorker. Is it their artistic styling?

Take note, again, of SPECIFICS.

Do you like how she lifts her chin as she’s looking at him, face to face in the rumba?  Maybe you like how he brings in the sense of boldness when he takes position for tango.


Whatever it is that piques your interest, identify it.  This will help you recreate these points in your own dancing. We dancers are all a combination of what we’ve gleaned from our teachers and idols, couples with our own skills and unique approach. Don’t be afraid to try nuances you’ve seen from others!

how to become a better ballroom dancer


2.  Visualize a round with music | 10 min.


Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill

Did you know visualization or mental imagery is a well-established practice for competitive athletes? It works because it stimulates the same neuro triggers as actual physical practice.

Pretty cool, right?! This means you can practice literally ANYWHERE and get tangible results, even when you’re nowhere near a dance floor.




Create a round of music for your dance style.  Cut each song at about 1.5 minutes with a 30 second bummer in between.  This simulates the same timing as if you were doing a round at a competition.

Play the round, visualizing yourself dancing the rounds, just as if you were at the competition.  It’s important to visualize your optimal performance.  As you practice this mental training, you’ll find yourself less likely to imagine yourself making mistakes.


You can also combine this with endurance training.  Modifying your pace with each song on the round, while doing the cardio exercise of your choice.

how to become a better ballroom dancer  notes


3.  Review notes from your last lesson | 5 min.


Paper is to write things down that we need to remember. Our brains are used to think. –-Albert Einstein

You may think that dancing is learned only through the body.  For the most part, that’s true, but your body (just like you mind), can easily forget things, until they are truly ingrained.

Even just a few words or phrase can be help you remember key points you learned on your last lesson.  It’s quite amazing how even a quick glance at your notes can mentally refresh you.




Take a few simple notes (more detailed, if you prefer), during or at the end of your lesson.  Glance over your notes every day, even if when you aren’t at the dance studio.  Mentally recalling what you’ve learned will help you retain the information and give you concrete points to practice when you do get to the studio.

how to become a better ballroom dancer video


4. Watch a high-quality instructional video | 10-15 min.


Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.  –Benjamin Franklin

Of course, nothing beats more lessons!  You might want to refresh a concept you already learned on a lesson, or hear it from a different perspective (another coach).  Or you might want to start learning something you haven’t touched on yet in your lessons, to start gaining understanding.  These are some of the benefits of video instruction.


It’s important to make sure you’re watching only high quality coaches!  Like here at DanceSport Place!  🙂

We feature only World & National Champs/Finalists in our videos, so you know what you are learning is accurate and proven to bring success.




If your video is online (like DanceSport Place), you can use your laptop or tablet as a tool right on the dance floor. Simply watch the video, try out what you’ve learned, and you can review and re-watch as needed in during your practice.


The beauty of video learning, is you can always return to the video to hear the instruction again and again. Repetition in doing and learning is the key to success!


15 Minutes to Mastery!


Fifteen minutes or less is all it takes to boost your learning! When you do these little exercises daily, you’ll find yourself more prepared for your next private lesson. And on your way to becoming a better ballroom dancer in no time–well, in 15 minutes.



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