Okay, let’s admit this right off the bat:
Ballroom dance lessons aren’t cheap.
And the second admission:
You’re probably addicted.
After many years as both a competitor and teacher, trust me when I say I’ve seen the dark side of dance addiction!
For instance:
My fellow pro competitors who prefer to eat Top Ramen for every meal rather then skip their coaching lessons. And let’s not mention those credit card bills, racking up travel and costumes–cause all the cash has been spent on lessons!
Or students, who often spend more then they can really afford on lessons and competitions. So hungry to dance that getting into debt, using their savings, or even hiding the true cost from their significant other are the risks they are willing to take.
The Quest for Knowledge!
We dancers always want to know more! When you arrive at a lesson, are you excited with the promise that the coach is going to give you some kind of magical epiphany that will be transform your dancing?
Often, we do get some magic words each lesson. But…unfortunately, somehow when we walk out of the studio door, it’s like our memory gets zapped and poof! What were those magical words again?
Fortunately, in this digital age, it’s easier then ever to learn wherever you are, when the craving for dancing kicks in.
Now, keep in mind, there is no substitute for the real deal. If you’re serious about your dancing, take as many lessons as you can afford and enjoy. But to squeeze out the value of every moment on your live lessons, take a look at 5 ways ballroom dance videos are a fantastic TOOL for dancers.
How to Learn from Ballroom Dance Videos
1. Practice your timing
Want to understand timing better? Interested in the how syncopations work? Check out a video of your favorite dancer and try to count as their choreography, as he/she dances it.
Becoming more musical is like becoming more fluent in a language.
The more you say it OUT LOUD, the more easily it flows. Try counting this short footwork piece by Stefano Di Filippo starting at 1:29:
2. Study characterization
Becoming a more expressive dancer comes from within, but studying video can help define your own personal style.
By watching dancers you admire, you can begin to pick up subtleties and nuances that will clarify how you want to interpret dances in your own way. Tune in to what attracts you to a dancer you admire.
What about their artistry moves you? Take these ideas and make them your own. This is one of my all time faves rumbas, by Slavik Krylyvyy & Karina Smirnoff.
3. Review basic steps
Save time on your private lessons by being prepared with the basics. If you’re learning syllabus steps, or even common variations, these can easily be found for free on YouTube.
The more prepared you are when you get to your lesson, the value you’re getting from your coach’s time.
4. Review choreography
After lessons where you have learned choreography, grab your smartphone or tablet and record either yourself dancing the new stuff with your partner/teacher, or record your coach dancing it. Or both.
Make sure you get it with the counts/timing! One of the biggest time-sucks on lessons is trying to REMEMBER the choreography.
Have the framework down cold, so your valuable lesson time can be spend improving it. (check out how the dancers of So You Think You Can Dance use this video to learn.)
5. Fresh perspectives
Your coach is awesome. No doubt.
We always recommend being consistent with one main teacher, but big breakthroughs can happen with fresh insight. You’ve probably had coaching lessons in the past where a different approach has been an eye-opener for you.
Sometimes just hearing the same ideas in a new way makes all the difference in progress.
A cautionary note: when learning from a video about technique or styling, be certain that the instructor is a true EXPERT, like the world class coaches here at DanceSport Place. Learning from a bad teacher, can create bad habits and frustration!
Check out a free video from our DSP coach Carolina Orlovsky-Telona, 3x World & U.S. Professional Rhythm Vice-Champion, and see how much you can learn from an actionable instructional video.
Living on Video
To be a great dancer, you can’t learn by video alone. But, to make the most of your live lessons and practice, video is a fantastic and affordable TOOL for reviewing and expanding your knowledge.
If you’re a serious dancer, using video should one of your tools of the trade.
So, how do you use video for dancing? Do you watch videos of your competitions? Do you watch instructional videos? Do you video review after a lesson? How does it help you? Let us know in the comments below!
- Write your Dance: Improve your dancing through journaling - November 12, 2019
- The Difference Between Oversway and Throwaway: Ballroom Video Preview - June 8, 2018
- Principles of Movement: Ballroom Basics Video - September 21, 2016

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